The Shed

I stroll past the gentle lake and frosty mountains as I spot something way out of my reach.  I decide to tip-toe closer and closer, frightened. I was alone in the cold, or so I thought. I had this strange feeling that someone was watching my every move.

There it was, that creepy shed everyone talks about. It lies in between the rocky mountains covered in moss. Apparently had been abandoned and no one had been in it for years. As I get closer and closer to the shed I hear a twig snap and there is some heavy breathing on my back. I knew for a fact I’m not alone.  I sprint with all my might towards the shed and glide my bare hands across the rough cut wood up against the side and run in. Little did I know this nightmare was just about to begin.

My hands start to burn and sting. The wood hadn’t been touched and it gave me new, fresh, large splinters. I know I am safe and alone in that shed–. The heavy breathing is back. I am panicking. How did one, get into the shed before I did? I hear gentle creaks coming from behind me, and make a decision. I slowly turn around and see a tall creepy figure blending into the shadows of the dark shed. I know I am not alone.

I step closer in fear and see this man wearing the most frightening clown mask. Without a doubt, I pivot and sprint towards the door. I bang on the door, pull it, tried everything I could think of.. The door was bolted shut from the inside and I was stuck.. Then suddenly everything turned black.

As the world comes back into my sight I’m confused and dizzy.The world is spinning in all direction all going in a blur as everything moves backwards, and have no control of my body. It takes me back to the moment when I first saw the shed which was way out of my reach except this time a take a turn to go far away from that crazy place.

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